Nazanin Noori – Ambient Room

Opening: July 30, 5 – 9 pm
Exhibition: July 30 – August 14, 2021

AMBIENT ROOM is a walk-in sound installation by Nazanin Noori, in which the artist makes the transition between the states of being her subject of discussion, restaging the gallery into a liminal space.
“Due to being in the first generation to have access to constant and infinite war reportage in real time, we experience an extent culture of political despair. With AMBIENT ROOM, I intend to build a space, in which our understanding of sonic and visual syntaxes get shifted. A space that therefor allows us to turn inwards. I intend to provoke a mental state that loosens a structure of thinking. Accordingly all elements in the installation resist obvious imagery and pave the way for ritual detachment from the prevailing orders of perception.”

Kindly supported by Lars Murasch from Murasch and Sons, Sebastian Grimm from einklang Hifi, KEF, Etritanë Emini for her camera work, as well as Phil Maier for the audio mastering.